The Autumn weeks of Shape Up With Saints have been announced.
Aimed for men and women who are already active but want to give their fitness a boost in a new way, Shape Up With Saints runs in five-week blocks with outside sessions during the summer and inside during the winter months.
Led by fully qualified coaches, Shape Up With Saints provides a varied exercise programme that can be adapted to the needs of all participants.
Sessions are held on Monday nights (8:30pm-9:30pm) at Moulton College Sports Hall, or at Northampton College Sports Hall on Wednesday evenings (6:30pm-7:30pm). Sessions in this round of Shape Up With Saints begin in the week commencing November 14th.
CLICK HERE to book your places online for £5 per session or email Connor Fleming in the Saints’ community team at [email protected]
The club runs a variety of fitness programmes for all levels of participants. CLICK HERE for more details.