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Shape Up With Saints ahead of the festive season

Travis PerkinsSponsored by Travis Perkins

The Autumn weeks of Shape Up With Saints have been announced.

Aimed for men and women who are already active but want to give their fitness a boost in a new way, Shape Up With Saints runs in five-week blocks with outside sessions during the summer and inside during the winter months.

Led by fully qualified coaches, Shape Up With Saints provides a varied exercise programme that can be adapted to the needs of all participants.

Sessions are held on Monday nights (8:30pm-9:30pm) at Moulton College Sports Hall, or at Northampton College Sports Hall on Wednesday evenings (6:30pm-7:30pm). Sessions in this round of Shape Up With Saints begin in the week commencing November 14th.

CLICK HERE to book your places online for £5 per session or email Connor Fleming in the Saints’ community team at [email protected] 

The club runs a variety of fitness programmes for all levels of participants. CLICK HERE for more details.

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