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Tournament winners enjoy stadiumMK runout

Travis PerkinsSponsored by Travis Perkins

Sudbury had earlier seen off Old Northamptonians in the final at Franklin's Gardens as 19 teams from as far wide as Ipswich competed to be crowned Saints Under-10 champions. Unfortunately, runners-up ONs were unable to make the demo, but in their absence Banbury were more than willing replacements for the 10 minute mini-match during half-time of the Heineken Cup clash with Munster.

Sudbury's victory makes them the fifth different side to triumph at a Gardens tournament after teams from Wellingborough, Old Scouts, ONs and Banbury/Long Buckby (shared) were all victorious in age categories from Under-8 right up to Under-15 level.

This Saturday, ahead of Wasps' visit to Franklin's Gardens in the LV= Cup, the Under-9s will get their chance to impress and the winners will be seen receiving their medals from Saints players on the pitch at half-time.

Then, on Saturday February 18th, the Land Rover Premiership Cup returns to the Saints. The winners of the Under-12 tournament will head to Twickenham in May to act as Saints' representatives in the Parade of Champions at the Aviva Premiership Rugby final. Spaces are still available for the tournament - if you want to get your club involved in the LRPC or another matchday tournament listed below please email [email protected].

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